
Our dress code supports the Department of Education requirement that students attending public schools are required to be clean and dressed appropriately for school activities. We encourage our students to take pride in our school, and wearing the school uniform is one way in which this can be fostered. Wearing a school uniform also:

  • Fosters and enhances the public image of the school.
  • Provides students with a sense of belonging.
  • Instils and promotes pride and team spirit in students.
  • Encourages equity among students.
  • Ensures that students are dressed safely for school activities and the environment.
  • Prepares students for work, as many places have dress and safety codes.

Our uniforms are supplied by Uniform Concepts – Nell Gray; they are conveniently located at Unit 4 /1 Sunlight Drive, Port Kennedy. Orders can also be placed online at www.nellgray.com.au/schools and a delivery or pick up option is available. Opening times are Monday – Friday, 9am–5pm and Saturday 9am–1pm.

All new students are encouraged to make an appointment with the uniform shop for a fitting. Please contact the Nell Gray on 92704670 or email portkennedy@uc.nellgray.com.au to book an appointment. Uniform samples are also available in the Baldivis Gardens PS Administration office.

Uniforms for Baldivis Gardens are:

  • School monogrammed polo shirt

  • School monogrammed jacket (Winter)

  • School printed hat with reversible faction colour

  • Navy bottoms (may be purchased from Uniform Concepts or any other retail outlet)


Please click here to view our Uniform Policy.